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Privacy Policy – Updated 24 May 2018

How is your personal information used by Little Orchard Search & Selection?

As specialist recruiter Little Orchard Search & Selection want to work with clients and candidates in the most appropriate ways possible. As part of this we want to work in adherence to the following principles:

Ø  Accountability

Ø  Accuracy

Ø  Transparency

Legal Entities that this Privacy Policy applies to:

Little Orchard Search & Selection

Privacy Policy:

This policy sets out how Little Orchard Search & Selection will look after, hold and use your personal information.

This includes the following areas:

Ø  Information we hold on you

Ø  What we will use your information for

Ø  Your rights and how to contact us to talk to us

Things that we will do:

Ø  Keep your data secure and safe

Ø  Not sell your data

Ø  Take reasonable steps to keep your information accurate and up to date

Ø  Give you access to your information to update it

Ø  Give you the choice to update your preferences towards receiving communications from us

Ø  Notify you if there are any breaches in security and what we are doing to rectify this

Reasons we use your Information:

Changes to data protection allow us  to hold an individual’s data in the following circumstances:

Ø  When we have a legitimate business/commercial interest to do so

Ø  In order to fulfil a contract

Ø  When we have a legal duty to do so

Ø  When you have provided consent

In the majority of circumstances we will have more than one reason to hold your information. If we rely upon legitimate interest we will consider whether or not our interests directly contradict your interests and if we should discontinue holding your details, or restrict the purposes for which we use them.

Little Orchard Search & Selection record information about individuals we work with as candidates and clients to allow us to increase the service levels we offer, make our communications specific and to maintain our own reporting. This is in addition to legal requirements and contractual requirements for projects that we work on.

Upon contacting you we will make a note of this and what the purposes of contact are. In order to do this we need to record a certain amount of information about you to ensure that we are able to identify who we are contacting, maintain our own levels of standard and service as well as respond to queries from individuals. Due to the large number of people we speak with annually this is one of the crucial business functions that we have.

What are the ways in which we use your information and why do we do this? 

The purposes for which we use your information can broadly be divided into 3 areas; those for candidates we are working with or wish to work with, clients or potential clients and those which relate to our interests and obligations.

It is possible for these purposes to overlap, where a candidate could become a client and vice versa. In these situations there will be multiple purposes for holding details on someone who is both a client and a candidate. In this situation the information held will be held in different records to reflect the different status of a person as either a candidate or a client.

What do we use your information for?

Candidates  - 2 uses

What do we use your information for?   To speak with you about job opportunities you may be interested in and roles that we are recruiting for.

What are the reasons we use your information?   Our legitimate interests. Your consent.

What are our legitimate interests?   To fulfil our obligations to clients that we are working with. To provide excellent service to candidates who are interested in hearing about new roles.

What do we use your information for?  To make you aware of changes to our teams and the services that we are able to provide.

What are the reasons we use your information? Our legitimate interests. Your consent

What are our legitimate interests?    To keep our candidates aware of changes at Little Orchard Search & Selection. To make you aware of new services that we can offer and ways in which we might work together

Clients - 3 uses

What do we use your information for?  To speak with you and understand if you need recruitment services currently and to work with you on vacancies that you are looking to fill.  If these services are provided on an exclusive basis we may enter into legal and contractual obligations to provide these services. Where this is not the case we will have individual terms and conditions in place for each vacancy recruited for.

What are the reasons we use your information?   Our legitimate interests. Contractual. Your consent.

What are our legitimate interests? To keep our records up to date.  To fulfil client obligations whether that be contractual or in our commercial interests

What do we use your information for?   To make you aware of changes to our teams and the services that we are able to provide

What are the reasons we use your information?   Our legitimate interests. Your consent.

What are our legitimate interests?   To keep our clients and candidates aware of changes at Little Orchard Search & Selection. To make you aware of new services that we can offer and ways in which we might work together

What do we use your information for?   To work with you to provide; permanent, interim and contract resources

What are the reasons we use your information?   Our legitimate interests. Contractual reasons.

What are our legitimate interests?   Providing clients with solutions to staffing issues.  Providing candidates that we are working with that are looking for new roles

Little Orchard Search & Selection  - 3 uses

What do we use your information for?   To manage our business in an efficient and commercial manner. This includes looking after our financial situation, internal reporting, governance, communications future planning

What are the reasons we use your information?   Our legitimate interests.  Legal requirements

What are our legitimate interests?   Working in an efficient, successful manner.  Fulfilling our legal and contractual obligations

What do we use your information for?   External reporting and compliance we have with third parties.

What are the reasons we use your information?   Our legitimate interests.  Legal requirements

What are our legitimate interests?   To ensure that we fulfil all external obligations and comply with legislation in place

What do we use your information for?   To utilise the rights we have in respect of agreements and contracts that we enter into

What are the reasons we use your information?   Contractual

What are our legitimate interests?   legal and contractual 

What kind of information could we typically hold of a candidate?

Obviously Recruitment Consultancies deal with candidates so the majority of information we hold comes in the format of the candidate’s own CV. 

The main types of information that we collect and use are:

Basic ID information

  • Who are you and how do we contact you?

  • Name

  • Email address(es)

  • Location

  • Phone numbers

  • Linkedin details

Details about your employment 

  • Current or most recent Employer and job title

  • Previous Employers and job titles

  • Responsibilities and achievements in career to date

  • Qualifications / Education

Information typically not on a cv that we may collect during the course of a recruitment process

  • Interim or Permanent roles preferred ? Full time / part time?

  • Salary details and requirements

  • Timescales, Notice Periods, availability to interview

  • Will you relocate, work from home?

  • Reasons for looking / leaving roles

  • Why you are interested in a role or not interested in a role

  • Interview and other Feedback

Any contact we have had

  • What we discussed

  • Emails exchanged

  • Texts exchanges

  • Notes of calls / meetings

  • Linkedin Messages exchanged

  • Preferences – how do you want to be contacted?


It’s fairly rare but occasionally a client will need to see relevant Documentation as part of a process, typically at offer stage…

  • Passport

  • Work permits

  • Driving Licence

  • Company registration documents 

  • Insurances held or required for contracts

  • References taken

Any information in the public domain online

Anything freely available online about you. Information that you have posted.

Special info under GDPR

  • Race, Ethnic Origin

  • Sexuality

  • Political or religious beliefs

  • Trade union memberships

  • Physical Health issues

  • Sexuality or details of spouses

  • Criminal records or criminal proceedings

  • Photographs

  • Age or date of birth

This information would only be retained where it has been provided by the candidate as part of a CV or similar profile, in which case we would consider this as clear consent. The only time we would actively collect this type of information would be if there were very specific reasons for doing so for example safety related.

What kind of information could we typically hold of a client or other company?

  • Personal contact details such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. 

  • Your job title 

  • Any background information relating to your personal circumstances, your work history and the role which you perform within the client organisation which you may provide to us during the course of your dealings with us. 

  • Job specifications / advert text and similar provided by you

  • Job specifications / advert text and similar produced by Little Orchard for the purpose of recruiting for you.

Any contracts / agreements that we have you

  • The supply of recruitment services

  • The supply of other services 

Any information in the public domain online

  • Anything freely available online about you. Information that you have posted.

How do we obtain your data?:

As a recruitment consultancy we typically collect information about candidates and/or clients from a range of sources:

  • Job applications

  • Job Boards that you share your CV with (eg Reed, TotalJobs, CV Library etc)

  • LinkedIn (and other social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc)

  • Emails, calls, messages etc that you exchange with us

  • Other data you freely provided to us – this could be via email, phone calls, messages etc and will typically be information supplementary to your cv that may be needed as part of any recruitment and assessment process.

  • Third party recruitment/research agencies that share your details with us

  • Openly accessible Company websites.

  • Third parties that recommend that should we speak with you.

Who could we share your data with ?

As a candidate you are always in control of where your cv goes.

  • Clients and other companies that you have authorised us (either verbally or in writing) to share your CV with for the purposes of securing an introduction. In the very rare case of us not being able to divulge the identity of the company to you we would first talk through any companies that you do not want your details forwarded to.

  • CVs can also be sent identity-free where you have particular concerns. It’s all part of an open and frank discussion that we can have through a process.

  • Any other individuals or companies that you may ask us to share your details with.

As a client we will share your information with candidates and potential candidates as part of a briefing process for any roles we are recruiting for you.

Where your data is saved and accessed from?

All information that we hold on individuals is held and used in the European Economic Area (EEA). Information will only be accessed from outside of the EEA where it is required for the purposes of support from our IT Providers or Trusted Third Parties that we work with who have an appropriate privacy shield.

When will we contact you?


  • To find out if you are interested in new career opportunities

  • To share details of specific client vacancies that we are recruiting for.

  • To discuss any changes and new service offerings from Little Orchard Search & Selection


  • To find out if you are recruiting for any roles that we could assist on

  • To find out if candidates that we are proactively working with to find new roles could be add value

  • To talk about recruiting for you on a retained basis or as part of a preferred supplier listing 

  • To discuss any changes and new service offerings from Little Orchard Search & Selection

We will only use your personal information for these purposes if we have a legitimate interest or that we have your express consent to do so. We will review your information before contacting you to ensure that any contact is relevant.

You can ask us not to contact you or to contact you via a preferred method at any time. You have the option to change your preferences or to advise us of specific areas you would like to be made aware of in the future.

You just have to ask!

How long do we keep your personal information for?

This depends upon the following factors:

  • Whether we need to keep it for legal reasons, external contracts or internal reporting.

  • Any preferences you have highlighted to us 

We typically try and run as ‘lean as possible’ when it comes to holding information. When a process has come to an end with a candidate we often try to connect on LinkedIn as a way of keeping in touch. This can allow us to then delete all other personal data we hold

Otherwise, we normally keep personal data for a minimum period of 2 years before either contacting you to confirm that it is still accurate and that the purposes for holding it still exists or deleting it.

What are your rights?

At any time you have the right to the following:

  • To ask us to update the information we hold on you if you think that it is incorrect or incomplete

  • To ask to see the information that we hold on you

  • To ask us to only use your data in certain ways

  • To ask us to delete the information that we hold on you if the data is incorrect, it is no longer relevant or you no longer consent to it being used.

To make a complaint, either to us or to Information Commissioners Office – please visit their website to do so.

If you no longer wish to be contacted by us we may need to keep your information to ensure that we don’t.

If you need to request any of the above please contact our Data Protection Officer via email. We will make every effort to respond to you within one month.

Automatic Processing:

Little Orchard Search & Selection do not currently use any form of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and do not use any form of automatic processing. If we contact you it will be relevant to you as a candidate (ie a job opportunity), as a client (ie a potential candidate or other proposal that could be relevant to your business)  

Data Protection Officer:

Name: Andy Ward

Position: Sole Proprietor

How do we use cookies?

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We may use traffic log cookies to identify which pages on our site are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We would only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Links to other websites:

Our website may from time to time contain links to enable you to visit other websites of interest easily. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Privacy Statement: Service

01296 682848 / 07888 727534

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